Statement 2014
Building Dwelling Thinking 2011
Energy 2010
As my thinking about the fundamental characteristics of the human condition has developed, I’ve come to consider energy as a basic defining element. I’m interested in the way that this approach functions on both small and large scales, and relates to examinations of the individual and the greater systemic continuum that integrates individuals.
The functioning of our bodies and consciousness are facilitated by a myriad of complexly inter-related electro-chemical reactions. Though functioning in diverse ways, this network of electro-chemical activity extends beyond the boundaries of our bodies, and can in this way be considered a defining and unifying agent of all material.
On an existentialist level, human survival necessitates the appropriation of energy from our surroundings. We seek energy to fill basic needs such as securing nourishment, warmth and light. Since we live together in communities, each individual is integrated in a constructed social system. As part of this system, we have developed methods to appropriate, process and distribute the energy that is needed. These systems that we have constructed are again complexly inter-related, and have far-reaching political and sociological implications. In these ways, an examination of energy as a phenomenon can serve as a point of departure for exploring a broad range of topics related to the human condition.
The basic human need for energy has led to problematic situations for both individuals and communities, and for the environment that we inhabit. Implementing systems that rely on locally available resources to meet energy needs could alleviate many of these problems.
Besides being interested in energy as a basic component of the human phenomenon, I would also like to better understand the function of energy at the node(s) connecting the individual with the greater systemic continuum. I am exploring these ideas through my continued artistic practise and through my studies at the TU Berlin. |